A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of proper practices for an individual or organization. Simply put these are Principles, values, standards, or rules of behavior that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of an organization in a way that
(a) Contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders, and
(b) Respects the rights of all people affected by its operations.
The ECSS Diocese of Gogrial considers that without exception, everyone in this organization must abide by the Gogrial Diocese code of conduct.
All procedures, policies and decisions are properly made in accordance with the basic rules; every minister who represents the ECSS organization must undertake and abide by norms and the relevant codes of conduct. Any violation of this code may trigger disciplinary procedures against such a person whose individual behavior brings God’s words into disrepute.
The following codes of conduct are to be observed by all ECSS ministers when they are in organized duties and when not.
Upholding Personal Integrity
The ECSS as a Christian institution is built on moral principles in that every member is expected to uphold personal integrity no matter under what circumstances you may be, you are to be holy and live a life of purity, in belief, attitude, words and actions that are consistent with God’s nature.
This should be sealed in the heart of the minister to commit to integrity and anything which manifests a flagrant violation of this moral principle expected from members will result in dismissal of that member.
Personal transparency is of great value, every minister is not supposed to give false witness, promise anything that is not true. Ministers of the Gospel should maintain his/her creditability as the Bible says, “a man of transparency never fears from any attack he walks securely but he who takes the crooked path will be found out”, ministers are to be transparent with each other and with church members.
Any minister who shows dishonesty with the funds of the ECSS or doing things in a manner that is contrary to the word of God, or aims, mission and policies of the ECSS will not be accepted.
Respect Others
The ECSS understands the fundamental fact of respect. Everyone should respect themselves and others. Self-esteem is the highest quality of all, which carries in it tremendous weight in human life. It’s for that very reason; ministers must respect not only their leaders but other people opinions.
The ECSS is a serious working ministry it will not tolerate idleness or inactivity in its ministry. The ECSS does not currently possess the capacity to pay its ministers for doing the work of God.
However anyone who doesn’t show care and effort in his/her work will not be considered as an ECSS worker. After the ECSS has established to be true and found beyond reasonable doubt that such a person is completely incompetent at his/her work the ECSS will rely on no other defensive mechanism to protect its mission than termination of employment.
The Therapy of Listening
The ECSS understand the philosophy of listening and how effective it is as a mechanism to get along with people. To reach nonbelievers every minister should not dump information on others but must learn to listen to church members complaints with a sympathetic and understanding manner, without prejudice or disregard for that person’s opinion.It’s for this reason the ECSS expects every minister to listen to each other whenever there is difference of opinion.
Honesty and Sincerely
The ECSS as a Christian ministry has its philosophy rooted in Christian values with respect to relationships within the organization. All ECSS ministers are expected to be above reproach. Investigators should not have a rung to stand on if a charge is preferred against an ECSS minister, it should fail, because his life would afford no ground for reproach or indictment of wrong doing.
Truth is more powerful and delightful to God, but lies destroy personal creditability. The bible states a truthful fellow is a delight to God; lying lips are abomination to the Lord.
Every ECSS minister should say the truth and should not give false testimony. They should be faithful stewards of finance, time and thoroughly honest, telling the truth, not lying to people or stealing. An ECSS minister should be blameless on this vital and often unpopular point neither should an ECSS minister allow secret indulgences that would undermine any public witness.
The ECSS ministry, spiritual leaders should be people of unchallengeable morality. They must be temperate, not addicted to alcohol. To be drunk is an indication of a disorderly personal life and ignorance of the Gospel of Christ. ECSS ministers cannot allow a secret indulgence that would undermine public witness.
The love of alcohol disqualifies a person for spiritual leadership, as well as producing an unacceptable picture of a stern, unsmiling patriarchy, immune to laugher and impervious to emotion. Without a benevolent and happy discipline in one’s life can a person be expected to manage larger responsibilities?
The ECSS believes that God is the source of all that we have and each person will be held accountable for all aspects of our lives and to the people we serve. Every ECSS minister must accept this responsibility without shying away from his/her actions. All must carry the verdict without making excuses. No minister should postpone a duty, procrastination the thief of time and is one of the devils most potent weapons to prevent people achieving their goals. The habit of putting duties off is fatal to every leader. Do it now and here is the motto that led many leaders on the top and it’s equally relevant in the ECSS diocese of Gogrial. The spirit of saying “I will do it one of these days” is simply a way of deny responsibility because one of these days is likely to become none of this days.Everyone must accept his responsibility and work hard to do the best they can before God.
Without this essential quality all other codes of conduct are in vain and would remain unenforced. So discipline is very important. Before you can conquer the world, you must first and foremost conquer yourself. ECSS ministers should be leaders who are obedient and behave in a controlled way. Getting up early is good self-discipline for ministers.Lazy and disorganized leaders are a poor example to others. Every minister should behave in manner that shows positive discipline, they should be a leader with sound judgment and the inner character that comes from daily self-discipline. Their mind should not be swayed by sudden impulsive decisions flying to extremes. ECSS ministers should be full of high ideals, live a holy and joyful life in front of the communities that they would want to cultivate. If a minister appears undisciplined, irresponsible and unscrupulous although he may be academically qualified they will not be setting a good example to follow and will be doing less than their best before God.
Official Priestly Dress
An ECSS minister of Gogrial diocese should not in any way or at any time conduct services or lead spiritually without appropriate priestly vestments. A white collar should always be worn and vestments, scarf or other clerical gowns as deemed fit and within the tradition of Anglican doctrines whenever preaching and where the occasion makes it necessary.
The Authority of the Bible
The ECSS ministry is founded on the ideal that the Bible is inspired and inerrant, this means that the Bible claims to be from God and that it is without error in everything it addresses, therefore every ordained clergy in Gogrial Diocese must believe that the Bible is the sole and authoritative book on the account of the work of God in history bringing to fruition God’s prophetic declarations concerning Jesus.
Preach God and Jesus
It’s very easy to preach your own thing, which are not biblical, as a matter of fact, some preachers today don’t preach Jesus Christ, when you listen to their sermons what you are likely to hear is prosperity and financial success without mention of Jesus name. The makes this a code of conduct that every minister should preach Jesus Christ, who was born of the Virgin, died on the cross, and paid for our sins, just as the Bible prophesied in the Old Testament and was fulfilled in the New. In short, the Bible points to Jesus, “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of me,” (John 5:39).
Jesus Christ should be the central theme in which others are drawn.